Control Retrofits

Complete Machine Control Retrofit Packages

Siemens | Fanuc | Allen Bradley

FANUC Authorized System Integrator

Automatic Gauging Systems


This field retrofit package utilizes existing equipment as well as your qualified machine maintenance personnel. We can help you bring work back in house and help your people gain valuable experience while working hand in hand with the C&B team.

We replace the electrical panel, servo drives and HMI unit. If servos were not previsously on the machine we replace the current system with them. Components will be built, debugged and tested at our faciility to reduce downtime during installation. The new control system will include automatic wheel dressing. The update includes conversion to a true ballscrew drive directly connected through a high precision gear box.


  • Reduced Grinding Costs
  • Reduced Downtime
  • Field Retrofit
  • Quick R.O.I. 
  • Better Quality
  • Increased Reliability
  • Increased Maintainability
  • Utilizes your In-House Resources
  • Structured On-The-Job Training
  • Automatic Dressing Cycle